Our Programs
Community Art Making
We are deeply in community and can be found in many places - in streets, schools and at rallies and protests singing, art-making, storytelling, creating community murals, or hanging peaceribbons. Art and education is always integrated into our annual Juneteenth Celebration and Black August Programs.
Protest Songs
Listen to Hand in Hand by Jayanthi Kyle , MAM steward.
Power Tree Quilts
The Power Tree represents the framework for MAM. It’s a community art making project connecting communities by giving them a tangible place to share stories, uplift narratives, honor loved ones, process grief, and imagine liberation.
Power Gatherings
A series of workshops that integrate art-making and critical conversation with multidisciplinary artists and interested community members around key revolutionary principles central to Black liberation. Due to COVID these are on hold and have been replaced by our sowing sessions.
Sowing Sessions
Virtual meeting spaces for communities to gather, learn, and build with each other. Each session has a featured artist presenter, often a MAM steward! Topics have included transformative justice, anti-Asian media study, Black August, intersectionality and Seeding Liberation Storytelling.
Black Elders & Ancestor’s
A series of Narratives from actual Minnesota voices from our past. We recorded stories from numerous, inspiring African-American stakeholders who bring missing history from our textbooks and collective knowledge to life. View a true story to readers from a MAM member HERE.
Listen, read transcripts and share their stories from this ever-growing collection. Click HERE to access by creating a free Truth Tellers Community account and selecting Black Narratives.
Covid Care Kits
We collaborated with local labor organizers to lead virtual, mutual aid training and a resource tool emerged that was made available for households to prepare during the time of COVID. Additional resources here.
Mutual Aid/Food Distribution
We team up with members of Gospel Temple church to distribute food to the community. If you’re interested in helping with donating food or distributing food to the community, email info.millionartistmovement@gmail.com.